
The Refoschi represent a group of varieties that have dominated the vineyards of Friuli Venezia Giulia from Cividale and Faedis’ hills to the sea.
A vineyard collection of vines / biotypes of the Refoschi family has been set up adjacent to the Alpe Adria cycle path – in particular along the Rogge cycle path between Reana del Rojale and Tavagnacco, which has been reported in order to convey tourists who will be able to learn about the history of Friulian viticulture. Along the cycle path, tourists will be able to stop by the vineyard, where a rest area will be set up, and learn about the “Refoschi” thanks to information provided on descriptive panels, or by querying the QR codes via smartphone. For years the Tonutti company has invested in the production of a high quality Refosco, which respects the scents of the Friulian tradition while combining the innovations of viticultural and enological progress. As part of some themed evenings, some vintages of Refosco wines produced by the Tonutti company will be presented and paired with traditional Friulian dishes studied by excellent shefs selected in the neighboring area. To complete the cultural offer, original music and narrations were created to make the public aware of the facets of Refoschi in the history of Friulian viticulture.
A project that, thanks to innovative processes resulting from “cross-fertilization“, aims not only to bring value to traditional business but also to have an impact on the historical / cultural identity of the community and of the new generations of conscious consumers who insist on the territory.
The project contributes to the creation of a new way of promoting wine products by transmitting to the public the knowledge and value of biodiversity as a heritage to be preserved.
This model of integrated actions that combine the creation of a physical / natural and digital space for the deepening and historical / cultural promotion of biodiversity with positive effects in various areas such as slow tourism, research, brand awareness and positioning on market of lesser known wines can be replicated in all the territories involved in the DIVA project as they are historically and currently rich in native vines / biotypes.
– Increase the value and brand awareness of the Tonutti SME as a traditional company that embraces the cultural and creative world for the development of its sustainable business and innovation with a social impact;
– Demonstrate how the CCI sector is not only functional to the Social Responsibility of traditional companies but also to the development of new innovative products and services;
– Increase the managerial skills of ICC SimulArte thanks to the proximity and comparison with the production and management processes applied by the proposing SME;
– Create a replicable model for the enhancement of native products through experiential marketing and content marketing with a high cultural value;
– Raise the positioning on the Refosco wine market by increasing its perceived quality;
– Stimulate interaction between artists, history and viticulture enthusiasts in order to convey the value of biodiversity and the importance of new generations of conscious consumers to the public;
– Experiment and promote cross fertilization between SMEs and ICCs through the creation of a new offer linked to a product anchored in the history and tradition of Friuli, characterized by high socio-cultural and creative potential.